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ACA 115: Success & Study Skills: SMART & Academic Goals

Suggested library and web resources, organized by sugject, for students taking ACA 115.



Have a clear vision of your desired process and end result.  Know exactly what you want to accomplish.


How will you know when your goal is accomplished?  Use numbers and precise ways of measuring whenever possible. Measurement will give you specific feedback and hold you accountable.


Don't make your goal too hard or too easy.  Goals should push you but it is important that they remain achievable. 


Make sure your goal is doable in the time frame chosen.  Outline steps you can take to accomplish it.  Understand the steps the goal will require and make sure that you can reach them.

Time Sensitive

Set a completion date for your goal as well as for specific steps of your goal.  This helps you to remain accountable and motivated. 

SMART Goals Video - Films on Demand

Academic Goals : Print Materials

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