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Frequently Asked Questions: Home

Frequently asked questions about Vance-Granville Community College Library Services


How do I get a library card?

Bring your VGCC Student Identification Card to the library on any campus, fill out the library card request form, and sign the “borrower’s agreement.” Library staff will barcode your student ID, and that will become your library card as well.  Curriculum students must present their barcoded VGCC student identification card to use the library’s computers and study rooms and to check out materials.

How do I find a library book?

From the VGCC Library website, click in the search box under “Search Print Books & Audiovisual Items Located within the Library.” In a new window, you will see a list of the books that match your search terms. Click the title of the book you want to find to bring up the item’s details. Then scroll to the end. Under “Library,” you will see a list of the campuses which have the book (Vance-Granville means the book is at Main Campus). “Status” shows which library section the book is in. If it displays a due date, it means the book is checked out.

Under “Shelf Number,” the string of letters and numbers is the book’s call number. Write down the entire call number and look for the book on the shelf. Please ask library staff if you need help finding a book on the shelf. This video is a good introduction to finding books by call number.

If you are an online or off-campus student, please Email or Call us (252-738-3279), or send us a message via the Library Chat Box.  and a library staff member will assist you with locating the book. Books and other resource materials can be transferred between VGCC libraries through the campus courier system.

What is the library’s checkout procedure?

Library patrons can check out circulating books and audio books for three weeks. DVDs may be checked out for 7 days. Items may be renewed once for the same amount of time as long as the items have not been requested by other library users. There is a limit of 2 DVDs and a total of 5 items at one time per card for students, faculty, and staff members. Patrons must present a current VGCC ID to check out library items. Local County Residents and Workforce/ Continuing Education Users are issued a green and white “community” card and may check out 3 print items at a time. Periodicals and items in Reference or Reserve are available for in-library use only. DVDs labelled as “CVID” may be checked out by faculty and staff or viewed in the library by others.

Library Checkout Policy
Library Collection Curriculum Students Continuing Education Users Faculty/Staff Local County Residents
Books in Print 21 Days 21 Days 21 Days 21 Days
Audiobooks and cassette tapes 21 Days 21 Days 21 Days 21 Days
Reference Books Library Use Only Library Use Only Library Use Only Library Use Only
DVDs/CDs Popular Interest 7 Days Library Use Only 21 Days Library Use Only
DVDs/CDs Instructional (CVID) Collection Library Use Only Library Use Only 21 Days Library Use Only
Reserve Items Library Use Only Library Use Only Library Use Only Library Use Only
Equipment (Must be in good standing with library) Checkout times vary according to specific item, need, and number of requests Checkout times vary according to specific item, need, and number of requests Checkout times vary according to specific item, need, and number of requests Library Use Only


What happens if an item is late or lost?

Library items are assessed a late fine for each day they are late. Books and audiobooks are $0.10 per day; DVDs and equipment are $0.50 per day. Once an item is returned, fines stop accruing. Late fees cannot be paid until an item has been returned. If an account has a late item, the library will send late notices to the address on record. After the third notice, if the item has not yet been returned, the item will be declared lost and the account charged the replacement cost of the item. Fines are due even if the patron does not receive a late notice. Patrons are responsible for all items checked out on their cards.

To clear a lost book, the patron must pay the replacement cost in full or return the book and pay the overdue fee. Patrons will be unable to check out library materials until all late books are returned, lost books are cleared, and fines are paid.  As per college policy, student is not eligible to register for classes in any program (Curriculum or Continuing Education) if he or she owes an outstanding debt to Vance-Granville Community College. Any student having a delinquent account is not allowed to graduate or receive his or her diploma or degree or certificate. In addition, the College will not forward a transcript of records or any information concerning any delinquent student's permanent record to any other source. See the "Indebtedness to College" policy in the VGCC Catalog for more information.

How do I pay library fines and fees?

You may pay fines in the library by cash or check. Credit card payments can be made in the business office. Please call the Business Office at (252) 738-3237 to ask about credit card payments.

I am an online/ distance education student. How do I use the library’s online database resources off campus?

VGCC library databases are available to all VGCC students, faculty, and staff members through their myVGCC (WebAdvisor) logins. If you have trouble accessing resources or need help with a login, please contact the library.


How do I use a computer?

As per the VGCC Computer and Internet Use Policy, campus-wide access to computing facilities is restricted to Vance-Granville Community College faculty, staff, currently enrolled students, and others as appropriate. Access to Internet operations is restricted to faculty, staff, active curriculum students possessing a valid student identification card, and active extension or special students requiring access by nature of the course requirements or by an instructor’s written permission.

Library computers are primarily for educational purposes and are reserved for VGCC faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students. Visit the library circulation desk to check out a library computer.

Each campus also has an open computer lab where students may use computers to complete course assignments or to practice skills. In the open computer labs, software is provided to allow students to write papers, work on spreadsheets, create presentations, and do Internet research.  Lab technicians are available to assist students.  In order to use the lab, students must fill out a card each semester signed by an instructor, must sign a statement agreeing to follow the lab rules, and must sign in and out each time they use the lab.

How do I print in the library?

Printing is available from library computers. After you click “Print,” a window will pop up for you to add your myVGCC (WebAdvisor) login and password. Once you have done so, click “Print.” The next window will show the funds you have available in your printing account. To send your document to the printer, click “Print” again.

Black and white printing is $0.10 per page and color printing is $0.20 per page for 8 ½ x 11 paper. Double-sided printing is charged per side. Funds are automatically deducted from student printing accounts based on the number of pages printed. Students can add money to their initial $20 allotment through the VGCC Business Office.

To reduce unnecessary printing costs, students are encouraged to e-mail documents and information to themselves or friends, use cloud storage options, download information to personal USB drives, and print only selected pages rather than entire documents.

How can I use a study room?

Study rooms are located at Main Campus library and provide quiet places for group or individual study. Simply bring your VGCC ID to the front desk and ask to use a study room. Study rooms are first-come, first-served. All students using the study room must present their VGCC IDs to the staff at the circulation desk and register on the room’s sign in sheet. Study rooms are reserved for students engaged in academic study and research.

What if the book I need isn’t available in the library? How do I use Interlibrary Loan?

The VGCC library can request books from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan. If you need a book that is not available from VGCC, please call (252-738-3279) or email the library for further assistance. VGCC librarians will search for the resource at other partnering libraries. A form to request materials through Interlibrary Loan is available on the front page of the VGCC Library Website.

Need help?  Contact the VGCC Library.