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Plagiarism: Faculty Resources

Hints and resources for students and faculty on how to detect and avoid plagiarism.

Copyright, Fair Use, and the TEACH Act

Plagiarism Warning Signs

Red Triangle with black exclamation mark in the center.

Know the warning signs of possible plagiarism.

Plagiarism Detectors

Sillouhette of Sherlock Holmes

There are many options for scanning papers for plagiarism, though most are not free.  The following are a few free or low-cost plagiarism checkers.

Citations Libguide

The VGCC Library has developed a Citations Libguide with more information for students on how to avoid plagiarism by citing their work properly.

Deter Plagiarism: Strategies & Best Practices


There are more anti-plagiarism videos out there than you can shake an MLA handbook at. But some are definitely more interesting than others.  Here are some videos you might find helpful.

Citation Builders

One way to encourage students to use and cite resources properly is to make building works cited pages easier by using citation managers. These are websites and/or apps that allow users to import or type in the relevant publication information and help put them in proper citation format. Some well-known citation managers, such as EndNote, charge a fee, but there are many free options. The following list offers just some of them.

Need help?  Contact the VGCC Library.